I gave up on the inconvenience of BootCamp and bought Parallels which I used to load Windows on my MacBookPro. When I loaded the 2Manuals software, I was able to do a nozzle check and head clean, but I wasn’t quite ready for an ink charge. To that end I removed back and end panels to install a waste-ink bottle, and then went back to the Adjustment Program to be certain all was well after reassembly.
When I tried to do a nozzle check, a head clean or access the ink charge step, I got the dreaded error message Error Code: 20000010. However, this morning I tried shutting down the printer and the MBP, then restarting. I then opened the Adjustment Program and tried (fingers crossed) a nozzle check - no error code: I opened the ink charge program - no error code!Īfter I top up the flush carts today, I’ll go ahead with the ink charge and report back here. How to fix AdjProg 'Communication Error Code 21000012c', All the necessary steps are given below to fix AdjProg errors on your Epson printer :This error code appears if there are more than one compatible printer are connected to your computer and you are trying to use the reset utility. The ink charge was successful, as shown by a nozzle check all channels show flush fluid pink, except that the yellow channel is yellowish pink. The total amount of flush fluid used was about 80 ml. I’ll perform a second ink charge to rid the yellow channel of yellow residue before going on to loading the K7 inks.
I think I’ll have to sell a couple of prints to cover the cost of all the ink that is going down the drain. Thanks for your posts regarding the ink charging.